Project manager-Sanità


Position: Project Manager
Destination: Lebanon
Duty Station: Beirut. Frequent field visits in project locations
Salary: based on experience
Duration: 12 months
Starting date: 1 november 2023

ICU is seeking a project leader for the project "CURE: Enhancing the healthcare and protection provision of 16 SDCs across Lebanon" funded by the Italian Cooperation and Development Agency in Beirut via EU funds.

ICU has been active in Lebanon since 1994 where it has managed development and emergency projects in the agriculture, livelihoods, health, and education sectors, including in the context of the various regional crises that have affected the country.
The project aims to complement and support MoSA efforts and ongoing activities by improving both the operational capacity and setting up a structured network of secondary service providers in 16 diverse urban areas corresponding to the locations and catchment areas of the targeted SDCs. The proposal has two Pillars: Healthcare and Social Protection. The first is one of crucial importance to prevent the spread of communicable diseases (CD), reduce the incidence / ensure the treatment of non-communicable ones (NCDs), help timely detect health problems and safeguard the general well-being of the entire population, especially the most in need. The second is essential for a community living in harsh conditions with a deteriorating socio-economic trend, with the objective of ensuring sustainability to MoSA structures and operational capacity through a mapping of gaps and opportunities, structuring a network of service providers to ensure equitable, inclusive, and wide coverage of social and health services both at primary and secondary level.

Roles and Responsabilities:

• General management and supervision of implemented activities to ensure that project objectives are achieved within the prescribed timelines and within the parameters of funding received. Responsibility regarding overall quality and project management;
• Continuously monitor the progress of activities against schedule and budget, with a focus on collecting the data needed to measure indicators and project impact.
• Represent ICU vis-à-vis the donor, project partners and local institutions involved with the conduct of the project.
• Relations with local stakeholders involved in the project (SDC, beneficiaries, relevant ministries, other NGO, etc.) and participation in sector working groups.
• Selection and management of local staff, supervision and monitoring of their work;
• Timely management of the budget and responsibility regarding the transparency of the same: updates and preparations of monthly first notes, identification of economic and financial commitments necessary for the implementation of projects, collection and evaluation of the necessary bids according to the terms of reference for the management of purchases, authorization of purchases of planned equipment and equipment;
• Manage and supervise the administrative and financial aspects of the project in accordance with donor rules and procedures, in collaboration with the country administrator.
• Regular reporting to HQ: Operational planning and related updates, Quarterly planning of on-site fund transfers, Monthly progress of in-country activities and related expenditures, Interim and final reports and respective statements according to donor regulations;
• Ensure constant field presence and supervision of work at Social Development Centers.
• Ensure Institutional Representation with Ministries, municipalities and different stakeholders
• With special reference to activities related to strengthening social welfare services:

- Conduct an in-depth analysis of the state of the art of social work services offered by the Social Development Centers, collecting and systematizing supporting data/information;
- Develop a plan/strategy for strengthening these services (including technical training for the social workers of the Centers), in coordination with the Central Directorate of the Ministry of Social Affairs and providing, where necessary, customized services/interventions to specific needs/ vulnerabilities of the communities pertaining to the Social Development Centers;
- Carry out all activities necessary for the execution of the aforementioned plan and the strengthening of social welfare services;
- Monitor and periodically evaluate the implementation of the plan by the Social Development Centers, collecting and systematizing supporting data/information, identifying any corrective measures.

• Developing project dissemination and visibility materials;
• Monitoring and evaluation of program activities;

Required Skills:

University degree in international cooperation related field (international relation, social studies, IHL, IHRL, public health)

Fluent in English (written and oral) ; knowledge of Arabic language will be a plus.

Professional Experience:
Minimum of 3 years of relevant work experience as Project Manager or similar positions in the sectors of social services, primary health, education; previous experience in MENA region will be an asset

Professional Requirements:
• Demonstrable knowledge of the procedures and rules and funding mechanisms of major donors (AICS and EU);
• Proactiveness and strong problem-solving approach
• Proven management, planning, coordination and monitoring skills.
• Proven knowledge of issues related to basic public services in the social field.
• Previous experience working with project in health sector will be an asset
• Proven ability to work with a wide range of stakeholders, including local governments, ministries, businesses, international and local NGOs.
• Computer skills in the use of the "Office" package.
• Aptitude for working in complex socio-cultural contexts.
• Strong team spirit, comfortable in a multi-cultural environment
• Ability to work under stress and on the basis of strict set deadlines.
• Leadership and team- building skills.

How to apply

Go to ICU's website - Working with us: Project Manager Lebanon ( and upload:

1) Updated CV (PDF) in English, renamed “Project manager Lebanon – First Name Last Name_CV”;
2) Motivation letter (PDF) in English, covering at least the following topics: any prior knowledge of ICU or its staff, how your personal and professional experience can be useful and valued for this position especially with regard to the basic requirements, monthly salary expected (specify if net/gross), date of first availability. Rename the file “Project manager Lebanon – First Name Last Name_Motivation Letter”

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Settore professionale: Sanità

Ruolo: Project manager

Condizioni contrattuali

Salary: based on experience


  • Titolo di studio: Laurea di secondo livello o specialistica
  • Indirizzo di studio facoltà: Education: University degree in international cooperation related field (international relation, social studies, IHL, IHRL, public health)
  • Esperienza pregressa: da 3 anni a 5 anni
  • Lingue conosciute: Inglese (preferenziale); Arabo (preferenziale)


Languages: Fluent in English (written and oral) ; knowledge of Arabic language will be a plus. Professional Experience: Minimum of 3 years of relevant work experience as Project Manager or similar positions in the sectors of social services, primary health, education; previous experience in MENA region will be an assetProfessional Requirements:• Demonstrable knowledge of the procedures and rules and funding mechanisms of major donors (AICS and EU);• Proactiveness and strong problem-solving approach• Proven management, planning, coordination and monitoring skills.• Proven knowledge of issues related to basic public services in the social field.• Previous experience working with project in health sector will be an asset• Proven ability to work with a wide range of stakeholders, including local governments, ministries, businesses, international and local NGOs.• Computer skills in the use of the


  • Tipologia: Operatore
  • Data inizio lavoro: 01/11/2023
  • Durata: > 6 Mesi
  • Scadenza vacancy: 02/10/2023

Luogo di lavoro


  • Nome: Istituto per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo - ICU
  • Sede: Italy, Roma
  • Website:
  • Profilo: ICU – Istituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria Onlus è un’Organizzazione non governativa che realizza progetti di cooperazione allo sviluppo nei paesi del Sud del mondo e promuove iniziative di informazione ed educazione sui temi della solidarietà internazionale.

    ICU nasce nel 1966, per iniziativa di alcuni docenti italiani, con l’obiettivo di favorire a livello internazionale lo sviluppo della cultura e della scienza al servizio dell’uomo. Tale finalità si può riassumere in una duplice ed interdipendente azione di: sviluppo umano e sociale nei paesi meno industrializzati o in via di transizione attraverso programmi di cooperazione internazionale, con particolare attenzione alla formazione; diffusione di una cultura della cooperazione allo sviluppo inteso come promozione integrale della dignità umana.

    L’ICU, dalla sua costituzione, ha realizzato circa 480 progetti di cooperazione in oltre 40 Paesi in America Latina, Africa, Bacino del Mediterraneo e Vicino Oriente, Europa, Asia e Pacifico per un budget complessivo di circa 150 milioni di euro.

    I principali settori d’intervento sono:
    -cooperazione universitaria
    -educazione e formazione professionale
    -igiene e sanità
    -sviluppo rurale
    -promozione della donna
    -sviluppo sociale

    L’ICU è partner di ECHO – European Community Humanitarian Office – per la gestione di progetti di emergenza, è ente riconosciuto da USAID, è membro della Giunta Direttiva della READI -Red Euro-Arabe de ONG para el Desarrollo y la Integracíon e di Link2007; collabora e riceve finanziamenti dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri ed Enti locali italiani, dall’Unione Europea e dagli Organismi Internazionali. E’ inoltre sostenuto da fondazioni, imprese e privati cittadini.

    Scopri le posizioni aperte e lavora con noi.

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